Meghan Foley


Core Values

Authenticity. Curiosity. Connection.

i hope my students leave feeling

they are not alone, that they can befriend their bodies, that there is deep wisdom within if we get quiet, still and inquisitive.


where i’m from

I’m from two hippie parents who encouraged neverending learning, curiosity and travel. I am from a community of women who are supportive, loving and magical. I am from a house full of books, plants and ayurvedic herbs that make my heart happy. I’m trained in yoga therapy and ayurveda, as well as vinyasa, yin yoga, prenatal yoga, and pilates. I incorporate mudras, yogic philosophy and the balance between ease and effort into my invigorating classes.

what to expect in class

Precise Alignment, Peak Postures to challenge you, creativity, sense of humor, restoration.


Ahndi Fridell


Evan Almeroth